Refund policy

We Offer Wellness have a 30-day refund policy, which means you have 30 days after purchasing your experience to request a refund. 

To be eligible for a refund:

  1. The customer needs to provide the reason for requesting a refund by emailing 
  2. For experiences that require a discovery call prior to redemption, should the Provider and customer mutually agree incapability a refund will be provided 
  3. The Provider cannot fulfil the experience

Subject to availability, the customer may provide a written request to exchange the experience to one of which is equal value or higher. 

Refunds to be reviewed by the customer service team. 

On granting a refund, the customer may be liable for transactional fees incurred by We Offer Wellness.

We Offer Wellness Ltd assumes no responsibility for injuries or accidents that occur during Wellness Experiences. Providers are responsible for maintaining adequate public liability insurance to cover any claims arising from such incidents.