Acupuncture to Balance you in Mind, Body & Spirit
Acupuncture to Balance you in Mind, Body & Spirit
Acupuncture to Balance you in Mind, Body and Spirit (where you need it most)
I am a Five Element and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Acupuncturist based in Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire.
When I am asked what is Acupuncture "good" for I always feel vague when I say EVERYTHING. I passionately believe that Acupuncture benefits the very "physical" illnesses - the ones that we can describe, feel and see (this is where TCM comes into its own), but also the more "subjective" illnesses, emotional, mental - a feeling of not being right that sometimes cannot be quantified. Five Element Acupuncture brings about the more emotional and spiritual balance - and the combination of the two can address all areas of your health.
An initial Acupuncture consultation takes around 1.5 hours (including a clearing treatment to prepare the body for Acupuncture) and will find me asking questions about all aspects of your life. Diet, exercise, bowels, urine, structural issues, stress, sleep, emotions, menstrual cycle, men's health issues and more - all of which designed to give me an understanding of YOU as a whole. No two people are the same, no two experiences of life are the same and no two treatment plans for Acupuncture will be the same.
Following an initial consultation, we will then agree a schedule of treatment to address both the root cause and the symptoms you are experiencing. Acupuncture appointments primarily focus on the insertion of very thin needles (believe it or not I am also scared of hypodermic needles for those with a fear of needles) into Acupuncture points that are carefully selected depending on your condition. As an Acupuncturist I also make use of Moxa (a warming and nourishing herb), Cupping (think circles on the back of swimmers in the Olympics) and Gua'sha if your condition requires any of these methods to assist healing.
After booking, we arrange a 15minute call to discuss your condition, answer any questions that you may have and see if I am the right Acupuncturist for you. Acupuncture is a relationship of trust between practitioner and patient - that is why I feel that that choosing the right Acupuncturist for you is key to your healing journey.
Duration of one session = 1.5 hours